The HTML Elements (a - h)

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Group A

<a> anchor

An anchor marks the beginning and/or end of a hypertext link.


A logical style used when providing address information, often at the top or bottom of the document.

<area> image map area

Used in an image map definition to specify a live area. Must be used within the
<map> tags. An arbitrary number of <area> tags may be specified. If two areas intersect, the one which appears first in the map definition takes precedence in the overlapping region. For more information, see the section dedicated to Image maps. Group b


A physical style for displaying text in a bold font. See also


Provides a base URL (address) for the document so that it may be viewed out of context. href is the only attribute and is always required. Note that you must include the full URL and the filename of the document that the tag is in.


Used in conjunction with
<font> to set a default font size. Always used with the size attribute.

<bgsound> background sound

Only supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator 3, this element will automatically play a sound file on entering a document. For a more widely supported (but messier) method, see
Special Procedures.


Flashes text on and off.


Allows text quoted from another source to be rendered specially. Usually left and right indented. See also


The <body> element contains all the information which is part of the document, as opposed to information about the document, which should be in the
<head>. The <body> tag should be placed directly after the closing head tag, </head>. The closing body tag, </body> should be placed as the pen-ultimate line of the document, directly before the </html> tag.

<br> break

Forces a line break - similar to a hard return on a word processor.
Group C

<caption> table caption

Click here to learn all about creating tables.


Center justifies text and puts tables, graphics, etc. in the centre of the page.


A logical style for displaying a citation or quote. Usually displayed in italic. See also


A logical style for displaying examples of code. Usually displayed in a fixed-width font. See also
<TT>and <PRE>.

<!-- text --> comment

Enables the author to add comments within the HTML code. These comments will not bedisplayed by the browser. Note that each end tag contains two hyphens.

Group D

<dd> definition list definition

Described on a separate page dedicated to

<dir> directory list

Described on a separate page dedicated to

<dl> definition list

Described on a separate page dedicated to

<dt> definition list term

Described on a separate page dedicated to

Group E

<em> emphasis

A logical style used to give emphasis to a section of text. Usually rendered in italic. See also: <strong>.

Group F


Used to change the look of the text.


Click here to learn all about creating forms.


Information on frames will appear here soon. Meanwhile, try the
page on frames. Group H

<h1>,<h2>,<h3>,<h4>,<h5>,<h6> heading style

Renders text as a heading, the rendering depending on the level of heading selected. Headings are automatically spaced from the body text.


The head element contains all the information about the document. It does not contain any text which is part of the document, this is in the
body. The <head> would follow the <html> tag and precede the <body> element.
A shell document would therefore follow the following format:

<hr> horizontal rule

This produces a horizontal line across the screen. By default the line will be narrow and span the screen within the current indents, eg. those created by a
<blockquote> or list tag.


Placed at the beginning and end of the document to declare the type of document. A shell document would therefore follow the following format: